
Kijabe Environment Volunteers (KENVO) promotes and carries research in the Kikuyu Escarpment Forest region. This is to ground research in KENVO conservation work. KENVO focus its research on KENVO main programs among them climate change, Ecoagriculture, Biodiversity, youth, community livelihood monitoring and ecotourism. KENVO also carry strategic collaborations with research institutions for instance KEFRI, ICRAF, eco agriculture partners, National museums of Kenya (NMK), Universities and others. KENVO communicates and share research findings with stakeholders mainly the local community, government and nongovernmental organizations and other stakeholders working in the region.KENVO Ensures availability and use of research results, stimulating research from external institutions and researchers and maintain research documents.

Besides conducting monthly bird walks and forest explorations, KENVO encourages and supports its members and other external researchers to undertake more detailed biological research within the forests and their environs. KENVO also conducts baseline surveys on the status of the forest for the IBA monitoring programme.

Since its inception, KENVO has conducted surveys and research – biological, socio-economic, ethnobotanical, ethno-ornithological etc in and around Kikuyu Escarpment landscapes. Unsurprisingly, this work has revealed that the predominant goal of the local farmers around the Kereita forest is to improve their economic standards. KENVO recognizes that tackling the entire spectrum of problems affecting the local community is a difficult and complex undertaking. However, KENVO still strives to demonstrate that non-consumptive utilization of the forest is both desirable and feasible in this landscape, and that the local community stands to benefit from such activities in the long-term. In conducting its research and effecting interventions, KENVO builds on recommendations and lessons learned from the previous studies.

Since its inception, KENVO has conducted surveys and research in biological, cultural, socio-economic aspects in and around Kikuyu Escarpment landscapes. Some of the key research includes:

  1. The baseline survey of Kereita forest: This was a baseline survey on natural resources and socio-economic activities in and around Kereita forest
  2. Kereita Forest Survey: The survey assessed forest status, resource use, community perceptions and attitudes toward forest and bird conservation around Kereita forest.
  3. Hardwood Species at the Kereita forest: The survey assessed Conservation Status, Distribution, Population and threats of the Hardwood Species at the Kereita forest.
  4. Ecotourism survey: This was an Ecotourism Feasibility Study for Kereita Indigenous Forest
  5. Eco agriculture activities: A case study on Eco agriculture activities within Kijabe landscape of Lari sub county
  6. Community knowledge sharing: a survey to organize International community learning and sharing Conference
  7. Environment health: A survey on food hygiene and climate change in Lari
  8. Eco agriculture study: A Scoping report on Eco-agriculture Innovations in Lari Division
  9. Ecotourism markets: This was the Kikuyu Escarpment ecotourism market assessment and formulation of a marketing strategy
  10. Eco agriculture Survey: This was, Dairy, Horticulture and Beekeeping Market Assessment in Lari Escarpment

Payment for ecosystem services

  • Mapping Kikuyu Escarpment Forest catchment
  • Stakeholders and hotspot inventory of Kikuyu escarpment
  • Kamiti watershed intervention study
  • Kieni and Kamae catchment assessment report
  • Survey of potential buyers of ecosystem services
  • Baseline survey on Kieni, Kinale and Uplands Forest